s2postingThis publication is about variety.
Collaborate with s2posting. Send an email to s2@s2posting.com with your project. We accept Texts, Photographs, Videos, Design, and Visual Arts.
― Texts (Essay, Fiction and Poetry)
Format: .docx, .txt
Word Limit: Up to 5,000 words.
Themes: All themes are accepted.
― Photographs (Digital and Analog)
Format: .jpg, .png, .tiff
Resolution: Minimum of 300 dpi for print or 72 dpi for web.
Dimensions: Minimum of 1200 x 800 pixels or higher.
Themes: All themes are accepted.
― Videos (Documentary, Fiction, and Personal Record)
Format: .mp4, .mov, .avi
Resolution: 1080p (Full HD) or higher.
Maximum Duration: 25 minutes.
Themes: All themes are accepted.
Design and Visual Arts (Illustrations, Graphic Design, Digital Art and Plastic Arts)
Format: .jpg, .png, .pdf, .ai, .psd
Resolution: Minimum of 300 dpi for print, 72 dpi for web.
Themes: All themes are accepted.
Attention: For plastic arts, ensure that the photos are well-lit, avoiding shadows and unwanted reflections. Minimum of 1200 x 800 pixels or higher.
Include in the body of the email:
Author: Author's name.
Project Title: Title of the project.
Technical Information: Technical details of the project.
Social Media: Instagram, TikTok, Tumblr.
Biography: Brief biography of the author.
Date of Completion: Date when the project was completed.
All contact will be made exclusively via email.